Last weekend my town celebrated our dearly beloved East Side High School. This post would end up being wayyy too long if I explained in depth the love my hometown has for our alma mater. We grew up in this extremely rich & intentional culture and had so many traditions that were passed down through the ages. You couldn’t tell us we didn’t go to ESH even when were kids.
I haven’t been to one of our events since my 10th year class reunion. Riding through the streets, hanging out at the park that we kicked it at after every band practice in the days of tube tops & jellybean sandals while being right across the street from one of the houses I used to live in – only now as legit adults – honestly felt like I was in this surreal dream. The kind where you are just lucid enough and you feel like you’re there when you’re really not but the other way around.
It was truly an out of body experience that I’d like to blame on the edible that Cookie gave me but they never had an effect on me before so idk lol. Like being in this place you used to belong in another life. Realizing so much time has gone by. 20 years.. that’s craaazy.
They closed our school for good a few years ago which I’m still very annoyed about bc of how it was handled & how, in my opinion, they tried to erase us. I don’t know why they ever thought that we’d let that happen. An All-Class Reunion tradition has been started now so all the classes came home to celebrate. I hugged so many ppl my arms were sore when I came home but it was worth it!