I just paid $200 for a pillow. No, not a decorative accent pillow(as this would hardly be worth mentioning) but a “standard” down sleeping pillow from Boll & Branch. As of the last 5 years, I’ve insisted on only purchasing organic bedding. It’s fascinating how many things we buy without ever knowing we SHOULD consider what chemicals they’re made with. Like honestly, if you just want a freakin’ pair of sheets why should you have to mull over whether they will cause cancer or not? It’s insane! Nonetheless, it seems everything in existence causes some life shortening ailment so while some may argue that we should throw caution to the wind to dwell in blissful ignorance, I say we might as well attempt to control what we can.
That being said, there were indeed more inexpensive options if “organic” was the only thing I was going for when looking for a better pillow but I was also specifically on a hunt for something that would stop me from crushing my shoulders while I sleep. I’m not sure if I should call myself a side sleeper bc I sleep on all cylinders lol! But I often find that more often than not, I’m on my sides and I wake up sore because I’ve put too much pressure on them.
That led me to research how I can alleviate that. It seems logical that the higher your pillows are, the less pressure your shoulders will have to take so Boll & Branch’s firm down pillow option was the reason I ultimately gave these a shot. It honestly feels like I’m sleeping on a cloud or a marshmallow that doesn’t leave you all sticky haha. Months later, I am so happy to report that I haven’t even noticed any shoulder pain anymore. I didn’t even realize it until I started writing this that I’ve been blissfully going about my days for quite awhile with no discomfort.
What exactly is a down pillow?
Ya know, if you’d asked me that before I actually bought one, I probably would’ve replied “umm.. a pillow?” ha! I’m certain I’ve wondered what makes a pillow a “down” pillow before but it never triggered me enough to find out in one of my ‘before-I-doze-off’ Google searches until I was considering purchasing one.
A down pillow is referred to as such because it is filled with soft, fluffy clusters of duck or goose fibers from the chest and under belly of the animal instead of with feathers. Those fibers fan out of the center of the cluster, the plumule, and look much like dandelions that are often blown into the wind to make a wish.
If you’re intentional about your bedding as I am and in the market for a little luxury, a standard Boll & Branch Down Pillow may be your steez. As Boll & Branch is the only place I’ve purchased & loved one to date, it is the only one I’d highly recommend!
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