Coconut oil is a godsend with so many amazing benefits. I put that sh!t on everything! *in my best hood chick impersonation* But no, I really do put it on everything! It’s a luscious miracle in a jar that I absolutely can NOT live without. You know how they say in black families that the old folk believe in using ‘Tussin(Robitussin) for everything? Well that’s how I am about coconut oil. I don’t care what the ailment is, I always go to the coco first for topical relief. Strangely or magically, it always works. So many sites have listed the general benefits of this amazing natural oil. Therefore, I’ll spare you there & focus on how I’ve personally & successfully used it.
Coconut Oil Benefits
This is a lengthy post so click the topics if you want to skip down to specific coconut oil benefits:
1. Eczema
4. Ant Bites
6. Sex
I think it was back in college that I decided to try the Proactiv skincare line. I didn’t even need it but I figured since my skin was already nice enough, Proactiv would help me cross the ‘perfect skin’ threshold. Well I couldn’t have been more wrong. I’d gone my whole life not having eczema or even knowing what it was but Proactiv changed that. I have always had sensitive skin but never anything more serious than acne.
Shortly after starting Proactiv, I started noticing dry leathery patches in the area between my cheeks and nose. Think red or dull gray flaking skin that sometimes weeps and itches like hell. Can you say ‘walking corpse’?! Yeah, that. So I promptly stopped using it and sent it back. Ever since then I get flare-ups here and there. I’ve been able to narrow down some of my personal triggers, but as most of them are things that I don’t always want to avoid – think acidic tomato-based products like salsa, stewed tomatoes, etc – I more so practice relief over prevention lol!

There is no cure for eczema but coconut oil has been the next best thing for me. I’m not a fan of “Big Pharma” so if I can find a natural remedy for.. well anything.. I’m all for it. If I apply the coconut oil directly to the affected areas even just once daily, within the week… flareup WHERE?! My face goes right back to looking like its normal self.
Oil Pulling for Teeth
This is one of my favorite coconut oil benefits! For 20 minutes or more while I’m cooking or cleaning, I’ll swish around 2 tablespoons of coconut oil. Have you ever spent hours sucking on Jolly Ranchers to the point that it felt like your teeth were wearing socks? Just me? Well coconut oil pulling is the equivalent of hitting the ‘undo’ button. Afterwards, I can’t stop rubbing my tongue over my teeth because they feel like the most perfect pearls. Research has shown that pulling any organic vegetable oil generates antioxidants that damage the cell wall of microorganisms and kills them. I just prefer coconut oil because it smells the best & doesn’t leave a weird aftertaste.

Two things, though. Absolutely do not swallow it. It contains a world of toxins that you do not want to ingest. Also do not spit it into the sink as coconut oil takes solid form when it is cooled. This can clog the pipes. It’s better to spit it into the trash. I then rinse out my mouth with warm water and proceed to whip out my Philips Sonicare Diamondclean – the most gangster toothbrush I’ve ever owned – then floss. You don’t have to do this daily but it’s safe enough that you can.

This guy I used to hang out with would always lay up under me and tell me he loves how my natural breath smells. That there is a sincere compliment, right? Because who ever compliments someone’s breath? Ha!
Fever Blisters
Are you prone to random fever blisters here and there? Ever since I was in preschool, I may get one once or twice a year. As soon as I feel that undeniable tingle, I apply coconut oil directly to the spot. While it has never stopped it from appearing, it has controlled how visible it is when it appears and how long. For the longest time I thought I cured them altogether with coconut oil pulling because years passed before I had one again. Rarely seeing them at all and quickly kicking their asses when I do is the next best thing until a cure is found.
Ant Bites
I found this one out by accident as well. I recently went outside to roll my garbage to the end of the road. I’ve gotten in the habit of taking this spray bottle concoction of bleach + Dawn + water to spray at whatever is flying at me during that seemingly endless walk. I live in a heavily wooded country area & there were ants on my garbage bin that day too so after I sprayed them, I started to roll the garbage and suddenly I started feeling the irrefutable stings of ant bites!
Instantly, I started spraying my feet, not intending to get any healing benefits, but with intent to destroy the little f%ckers. Maybe 2 minutes later I realized I’d stepped in a whole ass ant bed in my flip flops so I went all Mad King “BURN THEM ALL” spraying everything I saw moving in it! Luckily for me, as far as I can tell I was only bitten twice. It had been raining that morning so majority of the ants were no doubt deeper in the ground and it could’ve been A LOTTTT worse! I know because I grew up out here and spent a many childhood summers learning that ants are angry little assholes!

I came inside and washed the spray off my foot because, ya know… CHEMICALS.. then went back and took the garbage on to the road. Hot, frustrated and suddenly sweaty from all the commotion, I came back inside and hopped right in the shower. I meant to put Benadryl on when I got out, but I couldn’t find it anywhere so I didn’t use anything. At that time, it occurred to me that I was barely itching or in pain and it continued on like that the rest of the day.
Curious as to why I was skating by with barely any discomfort even though I didn’t apply an ointment/cream, I Googled “bleach on ant bites” and found out that it’s a wholeeee thing! Apparently, it’s recommended to dilute bleach with water and spray it on ant bites because it breaks down the protein in their venom suppressing the itching and burning. The only difference is Dawn dishwashing liquid was in mine.
It wasn’t until a day and 1/2 later that the itch began to flare up enough for me to become aware of it so it finally occurred to me to put some coconut oil on it. My mind had been so set on locating my Benadryl the day before because it was the last thing I used when I was bit by an ant. As soon as I remembered my fixall coco cure, I Googled “coconut oil on ant bites” and saw that it was also a documented remedy bc of its trusty anti-inflammatory properties so I applied it and almost INSTANTLY stopped the itch! Look at me out here winning at life! LOL! I really just put yall on a 2 for 1 ant bite cure!
Home Renovation Dust

As mentioned above, I have extremely sensitive skin. I’ve been renovating certain areas of my current residence and it has been no cakewalk when it comes to the elements floating around in here. I was so concerned about the chemicals in the building materials, old & new, prior to starting that I spent hours researching them. Somehow still enough wasn’t done to minimize my exposure. There has been everything from concrete dust, to drywall dust to the sawdust from cutting wood floating all up & through here.
If only I would’ve insisted that every precaution in existence be taken but alas, here I am with skin that LOOKS normal, but occasionally feels like it’s burning. Holy PHUCK. The relief? Coconut oil. I doubt you’ll find this in any other list when researching coconut oil benefits! I just rub it on & the pain subsides. Coconut oil does dissolve into your skin pretty quickly so lately I have been rubbing on Brazilian Bum Bum Cream by Sol de Janeiro first which contains coconut oil in the ingredients, is much more thick & luscious than pure coco alone, & smells like angels oughta smell! *Sin City voice*
I have the giant one from Sephora as pictured below but I find that size is sold out a lot. In any event, I would say try a smaller size to see if you love it then go big if you can ever snag it.
I then seal it in with my organic extra virgin coconut oil by Viva Naturals to prolong the relief. Hopefully, all renovations will be done soon so that my skin can fully recover.

I’ve saved this one for last but it’s definitely not least when it comes to coconut oil benefits ha! I won’t get too detailed here but if you have an imagination, please use it! 😉 It may seem odd to break out the jar before a session but TRUST ME, your man will not complain! It’s a legit gamechanger. People always crack up laughing at me when I say “don’t trust anyone’s coconut oil but your own” lol! Well, I mean that. I have a few jars around my house & sometimes I don’t even trust my own if I can’t remember which was used for what!
Do I sound like a big ole freak? Oh well, like I said: good girl, but no angel! ;P Just remember that you shouldn’t use it with condoms as it breaks them down rendering them ineffective & I can’t be held responsible for your surprise trips to the clinic for whatever came of said ineffectiveness haha!
Final Thought: Coconut Oil Specs Matter
I always purchase organic virgin unrefined cold pressed coconut oil for my various uses. In a pinch, if I just so happen to be in Trader Joe’s, their coconut oil is great & super affordable. If you don’t live near Trader Joe’s, I found the exact one I purchase from there on Amazon for a bit more coin than you would get it in the store. If I’m in Kroger or Walmart, the Spectrum brand has always done me just fine as well. Now if I have a couple of days to spare to wait for a shipment, I do prefer to get more value for the money by purchasing a larger tub of the Viva Naturals brand from Amazon as mentioned above. Get into coconut oil if you haven’t yet bc you’re definitely missing out!
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I did not know I can use it for eczema. Thanks for the info.
It gives such relief! I hope you find it as helpful! Thanks for stopping by, C.K. 🙂
I knew about eczema but the ant bite on is new. Glad to now know.
Yes any itch actually since it has anti-inflammatory properties! Thanks for stopping by, Oreal!
Awesome. I used to use it in my hair. I didn’t know it had those other uses.
I have used coco oil for many reasons, but I didnt’ know about all of the uses you listed. I suffer from fever blisters and eczema so I will definitely try it for those. Thanks for sharing this information.